09 February 2013

Selamat Datang!

In Bahasa Indonesia, "selamat datang" means "welcome".  This blog entry is a short introduction to me and my new blog "Global Goebel Travels".


The entire world....  I'm from a small town in southern Illinois and currently work in Indonesia.


My last name.....  My family's ancestors were German farmers that immigrated to the American Midwest in the mid-1800's.


It's what I do....  In 2001, I used frequent flyer miles to get to Thailand on my first trip outside of North America.  I've been in love with travel since about my second day on that trip and have been to 50 countries (and counting) since.

The Sisophan fruit girls and me
Here's a photo of me from that first international trip with 
some girls selling fruit in Sisophan, Cambodia.
© Ryan Goebel

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